Theko e kholo China Heavy Metal Ions Removal Cod Degradation Bacteria Sewage Device Motlakase Flocculation Effluent Setsi sa Phekolo ea Metsi

Theko e kholo China Heavy Metal Ions Removal Cod Degradation Bacteria Sewage Device Motlakase Flocculation Effluent Setsi sa Phekolo ea Metsi

COD Degradation Bacteria e sebelisoa haholo mefuteng eohle ea metsi a litšila a biochemical system, merero ea aquaculture joalo-joalo.

  • Sebopeho:Phofo
  • Lisebelisoa tse ka sehloohong:Calcium acetate Acinetobacter , Bacillus , Bacillus e sebetsang hantle ea bioflocculant , Saccharomyces , Micrococcus , Enzyme le lisebelisoa tsa phepo e nepahetseng.
  • Litaba tsa Baktheria e Phelang:≥20 limilione tse likete / gram
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

    Theko e kholo China Heavy Metal Ions Removal Cod Degradation Bacteria Sewage Device Motlakase Flocculation Effluent Setsi sa Phekolo ea Metsi,
    COD Degradation Bacteria,



    Lisebelisoa tse ka sehloohong:

    Calcium acetate Acinetobacter , Bacillus , Bacillus e sebetsang hantle ea bioflocculant , Saccharomyces , Micrococcus , Enzyme le lisebelisoa tsa phepo e nepahetseng.

    Litaba tsa Baktheria e Phelang:≥20 limilione tse likete / gram


    Mesebetsi e ka sehloohong

    1. American boenjiniere mefuta e tšoaroa ka mor'a nyopa belisoa spray omisa thekenoloji le kalafo e ikhethang enzyme , e fetoha COD degradation baktheria moemeli. Ke khetho e ntle ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa morero oa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila, tlhoekiso ea metsi a naha, morero oa ho khutlisetsa tikoloho ea letša le noka.

    2. Eketsa matla a ho tlosoa ha lintho tse phelang , haholo-holo bakeng sa motsoako oo ho leng thata ho Aroha.

    3. Khanyetso e matla ea mojaro oa tšusumetso le lintho tse chefo. E ka sebetsa ka mocheso o tlase.

    Mokhoa oa kopo

    Motheong oa ho kena ha metsi a litšila , lekhetlo la pele eketsa 200g/m3(Base on the volume of tank).Eketsa 30-50g/m3ha phallo e fetoha ho sebetsa tsamaiso ea biochemical.


    1. pH: 5.5-9.5, Tšusumetso e kholo e hola ka potlako lipakeng tsa 6.6-7.8, e ntle ka ho fetisisa ho 7.5.

    2. Mocheso:8℃-60℃. Baktheria e tla shoa ha mocheso o feta 60 ℃. Ha mocheso o ka tlase ho 8℃, e ke ke ea shoa empa e tla thibela ho hola. Mocheso o loketseng ka ho fetisisa ke 26-32 ℃.

    3. Microelement: Potassium , iron , calcium , sulfur , magnesium , joalo-joalo Ka tloaelo mobung le metsing, li-microelement li lekane.

    4. Letsoai: E sebelisoa metsing a litšila a indasteri a letsoai le phahameng. Boholo bo mamelletsoeng letsoai ke 6%.

    5. Mithridatism: Moemeli oa baktheria a ka hanela ntho e chefo, e kenyelletsa chloride, cyanide le heavy metal, joalo-joalo.


    Ha libaka tse silafetseng li na le li-fungicides, liphello tsa tsona ho likokoana-hloko li lokela ho hlahlojoa esale pele.

    Re nka "e loketseng bareki, e sekametseng boleng, e kopanyang, e nchafatsang" e le sepheo. "'Nete le Botšepehi" ke tsamaiso ea rona e loketseng bakeng sa theolelo e kholo ea China Cod Degradation Bacteria Heavy Metal Ions Removal Sewage Device Motlakase Flocculation Effluent Waste Water Treatment chemicals Chemicals Plant, COD tlosa,Bacteria e Sebetsang ka Potlako,Re na le Setifikeiti sa ISO 9001 mme re koetlisitse sehlahisoa kapa tšebeletso ena. ho feta lilemo tse 30 tsa boiphihlelo ba ho etsa le ho rala, kahoo thepa ea rona e hlahisoa ka sekhahla sa boleng bo holimo le se mabifi. Amohela tšebelisano 'moho le rona!
    Theko e kholo ea Setsi sa Phekolo ea Metsi ea China, Setsi sa Phekolo ea Likhoerekhoere Semela sa lik'hemik'hale, Re amohela bareki ba tsoang lefats'eng lohle ho tla buisana ka khoebo. Re fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo, litheko tse ntle le litšebeletso tse ntle. Re tšepa ho theha likamano tsa khoebo le bareki ba tsoang lapeng le kantle ho naha, re ntse re loanela ho fumana botle bo botle hosane.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona