"China Urban Sewage Treatment and Recycling Development Report" le "Water Reuse Guidelines" letoto la litekanyetso tsa naha li ile tsa lokolloa ka molao.

Tlhokomelo ea likhoerekhoere le ho e sebelisa hape ke likarolo tsa mantlha tsa kaho ea meaho ea tikoloho ea litoropo. Lilemong tsa morao tjena, litsi tsa naha ea heso tsa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere tsa metse e meholo li tsoetse pele ka potlako 'me li fumane liphello tse babatsehang. Ka 2019, sekhahla sa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere tsa litoropo se tla nyolohela ho 94.5%, 'me sekhahla sa ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere sa setereke se tla fihla ho 95% ka 2025. Ka 2019, ts'ebeliso ea metsi a sebelisoang litoropong ka har'a naha e fihlile ho 12.6 billion m3, mme sekhahla sa ts'ebeliso e ne e le haufi le 20%.

Ka Pherekhong 2021, Komisi ea Naha ea Ntšetso-pele le Nchafatso le mafapha a robong ba ile ba fana ka "Maikutlo a Tataiso mabapi le Tšebeliso ea Mehloli ea Likhoerekhoere", e hlakisitseng merero ea nts'etsopele, mesebetsi ea bohlokoa le merero ea bohlokoa ea phepelo ea likhoerekhoere naheng ea heso, e tšoaeang ho phahama ha phepelo ea likhoerekhoere. ketso ya naha. rera. Nakong ea "Leano la Lilemo tse Hlano" le lilemo tse 15 tse tlang, tlhokahalo ea ts'ebeliso ea metsi e tsosolositsoeng naheng ea heso e tla eketseha ka potlako, 'me monyetla oa nts'etsopele le sebaka sa mmaraka se tla ba seholo. Ka ho akaretsa nalane ea nts'etsopele ea tlhoekiso ea likhoerekhoere tsa litoropong le ho e sebelisa hape naheng ea heso le ho bokella letoto la litekanyetso tsa naha, ho bohlokoa haholo ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea phepelo ea likhoerekhoere.

Boemong bona, "Tlaleho ea Nts'etsopele ea Phekolo ea Likhoerekhoere tsa Metse le Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ebetso ea Likhoerekhoere tsa Litoropo Chaena" (eo hamorao e tla bitsoa "Tlaleho"), e hlophisitsoeng ke Lekala la Indasteri ea Metsi la Mokhatlo oa China oa Boenjiniere ba Sechaba le Setsebi sa Ts'ebetso ea Metsi le Ts'ebeliso hape. Komiti ea Mokhatlo oa Chaena oa Saense ea Tikoloho, e hatisitsoe ke Univesithi ea Tsinghua. , China National Institute of Standardization, Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School le lihlopha tse ling li ile tsa etella pele ho thehoa ha "Metsi Reuse Guidelines" (eo ka mor'a moo e bitsoang "Guidelines") letoto la litekanyetso tsa naha li ile tsa lokolloa ka molao ka December 28 le 31, 2021.

Moprofesa Hu Hongying oa Univesithi ea Tsinghua o boletse hore tšebeliso ea metsi a tsosolositsoeng ke mokhoa o motala le mokhoa o atlehang oa ho rarolla mathata a khaello ea metsi, tšilafalo ea tikoloho ea metsi le tšenyo ea tikoloho ea metsi ka mokhoa o kopanetsoeng, ka melemo e mengata ea tikoloho le moruo. Likhoerekhoere tsa litoropo li tsitsitse ka bongata, li laoleha ka boleng ba metsi, 'me lia lakatseha haufi. Ke mohloli o ka tšeptjoang oa bobeli oa metsi litoropong o nang le monyetla o moholo oa ho sebelisoa. Phetoho ea likhoerekhoere le khaho ea limela tsa metsi tse tsosolositsoeng ke tiisetso ea bohlokoa bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea moshoelella ea litoropo le liindasteri, 'me li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho fihlelleng merero ea ntlafatso ea moshoelella. bohlokoa. Ho lokolloa ha letoto la litlaleho tsa litekanyetso tsa naha le nts'etsopele ea ts'ebeliso ea metsi a tsosolositsoeng ho fana ka motheo oa bohlokoa oa tšebeliso ea metsi a tsosolositsoeng, 'me ho bohlokoa haholo ho khothaletsa tsoelo-pele e potlakileng le e phetseng hantle ea indasteri ea metsi e tsosolositsoeng.

Tlhophiso ea likhoerekhoere le ho e sebelisa hape ke likarolo tsa mantlha tsa kaho ea meralo ea tikoloho ea litoropo, hape ke sebaka sa bohlokoa sa ho qala ho loants'a ntoa khahlanong le tšilafalo, ho ntlafatsa tikoloho ea bolulo ea litoropo, le ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba ts'ireletso ea phepelo ea metsi litoropong. Ho lokolloa ha "Tlaleho" le "Litaelo" e tla phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntšetseng pele sesosa sa phepelo ea likhoerekhoere le tšebeliso ea mehloli ea literopo naheng ea heso ho ea boemong bo bocha, ho aha mokhoa o mocha oa nts'etsopele ea litoropo, le ho potlakisa khaho ea tikoloho. tsoelopele le tsoelopele ea boemo bo holimo.

E qotsitsoe ho Xinhuanet


Nako ea poso: Jan-17-2022